
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Why humans are so different from animals?

Humans evolved in this earth later than animals. We can rule over animals. We use animals as per our wants and desire. We are superior to animals. Because we are different from animals. We are different because we have some distinct characteristics. What are those characteristics? In this article, I am going to illuminate some distinct characteristics of humans which are absent in animals. They are as follows:-

1. Bipedalism
2. Speech
3. Hunting
4. Nonhoning teeth
5. Material culture
6. Domestication of plants and animals. 

1. Bipedalism

Humans have the ability to walk with two legs. This is called bipedalism. It is the hallmark of our ancestors. Hominids became bipedal before 6 million years ago. It has very significantly enhanced human survival and adaptation. Due to bipedalism, our skull is directly above the body. In quadrupedal animals, the skull or head is extended out of the front of the body. Bipedalism can make our hand free. It helps us on walking and climbing. Some animals can stand upright like us, but they spend most of the time on four legs.
A girl with quadrupedal dog.
2. Speech 

Speech is composed of various sets of distinct sounds. Each sound is different from others. When combined with another sound can give new meaning. We can communicate throughout time and across space. Being in the present, we can talk about the past event. We can talk about the future. No animal can talk about the past and future. Animal communication is based only on the exchange between stimulus and response. Our speech is symbolic. We can communicate complex feelings, thought, and ideas. Although animals communicate with each other, only humans can speak. The shape of the hyoid bone allows hominids to speak more effectively and efficiently than animals. 

3. Hunting

Hunting is the skill of killing animals using a variety of tools and weapons in a planned way. We can hunt but animals cannot. We can make various short term and long term plans. We can make different weapons according to our needs. We can use them for hunting. But animal cannot. The art of hunting is what made us human in the stone age. If we did not know how to hunt, we would hardly survive. Maybe we were extinct. In the stone age, we lived by hunting animals. Our subsistence was based on hunting. We used different stone tools, spear thrower, antler, archery, etc. for hunting.

4. Nonhoning tooth

Apes have a large honing canine tooth typically for cutting and shredding foods. Humans have the ability to make and use different types of tools and equipments to process food. So, the large honing canine is not required. Rather, nonhoning is enough for us. As compared with honing canine of animals, we have smaller nonhoning canine. 

5. Material culture

Human cannot survive depending only on biological characteristics. Bird can fly because of wings. It is a biological characteristic. We have no wings. But we can fly higher and longer than a bird. Why? Because we have an airplane, rocket, etc. Cow should repeatedly go to pond when thirsty. We can drink water without going pond. We can design pipeline networks and taps. Airplane, rocket, pipe, taps etc are material culture. We have material culture to adopt in any kind of environment. We can design and make different sophisticated tools and equipment. We construct building to shelter. We produce different clothes to protect from the colder environment. We produce various kinds of foods to eat. But animals cannot do none of these activities. This material culture of humans is also what makes humans different from animals. 

6. Domestication of plants and animals

Humans have the ability to domesticate animals to fulfill their desire and needs. For example, cows for milk, goat for meat, etc. We can also grow plants consciously. We can sow crops for food with planning. E.g. rice, millet, wheat, etc. But animals do not have this characteristic. They cannot domesticate any animals needed. Snake eats frog but it cannot domesticate frog. Monkey eats banana but it cannot plant banana. Animals obtain their food that is occurring naturally. They have no skills of domestication. It is impossible for them. This characteristics also differentiates humans and animals. 


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